This a post I wanting to write for two reasons. The first is that I am a parent of three children. I know what it is like to love your kids like crazy and want the very best for them. The second is that I am a university Strength & Conditioning coach. As a result I see first hand and have to deal with the mistakes that are made (with the best intentions) in the preparation of young athletes. I get new athletes with 80 year old posture, excess body fat (by athlete standards), low relative strength, poor movement mechanics and a host of injuries and issues. Here is a list of things that will give a young athlete his/her best chance to succeed.
Screen for health problems and movement dysfunctions

Learn to move well
Most young athletes these days are not what I would call athletes. They are sports specialists, but they lack fundamental athleticism. Sure they have highly developed sport-specific skills, but they lack body awareness, motor control and athleticism. Basic gymnastics movements (e.g. rolling, tumbling, etc) can be very helpful for building athleticism. A popular trend among young athletes are jump programs (and most are not very good). However before an athlete does jump training he/she had better know how to land safely. In my experience, most do not. Also, while team-sport athletes don't need the precision of a track sprinter, correcting major sprinting mechanical errors will really help. In my experience, the running form for most team athletes is very poor and this unnecessarily slows them down.
Techno time outs
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Less of this = safer, better athlete |
Free play
Free play has huge benefits. Children need time to play and have fun. Play is an activity that is engaged in for fun and is free of limitations, structure and rules. This allows kids to be kids. Too many kids have their lives so tightly packed with programs and activities that they have no free time. This is not a healthy way to live for anyone. Free play recharges your batteries and that is important for everyone, but especially for youngsters.
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Balance training |
As a parent, I have the same fears of free play as any parent has. I do not want my kids falling out of a tree and suffering a traumatic injury (the best way to minimize this risk is for you to join them so you can easily step in with wisdom as needed). However, I would rather let my kids play and get a few bumps, bruises, scrapes and scars along the way to have a fun childhood and teach them how to move their bodies. I have scares on my shins and knees from falling and tripping, but I'll take those any day over scares from ACL reconstructive surgery.
A wide variety of sports & movement activities
With children, you want to expose them to a wide variety of sports and physical activities. This gives them a wide variety of sport and movement skills and general athleticism that provides a solid foundation for being a great athlete and later sports specialization.
Later sport specialization or at least safe specialization
The Russians had a great model for this. They would place kids in sport school and expose them to a wide variety of sports, gymnastics and movement activities. Then, after making them into athletes they would turn them into sports specialists. In North America, we tend do to the opposite. We take young kids and try to turn them into specialists without first helping them to become athletes.
I know this is not popular to write - especially with popular new books such as The Talent Code and this whole concept of getting your 10,000 hours of experience in a sport as soon as possible. However, early sport specialization can lead to an early end to an athlete's career. You see, sport specialization creates dysfunction. This is why I get so many athletes that are already an injury mess by the time they get to me in university.
If you choose to ignore this advice, at least do three things to make early specialization as safe as possible. First of all, give your young athlete some time off his/her chosen sport each year. Second, make enough time to participate in other sports, recreation and physical activities - even if they are not done at a highly competitive level. And third, do some resistance training to help balance the body out and work the muscles that are not as involved in the sport (e.g. soccer players would benefit from extra hamstring work because the sport is heavily quad-focused).
I know this is not popular to write - especially with popular new books such as The Talent Code and this whole concept of getting your 10,000 hours of experience in a sport as soon as possible. However, early sport specialization can lead to an early end to an athlete's career. You see, sport specialization creates dysfunction. This is why I get so many athletes that are already an injury mess by the time they get to me in university.
If you choose to ignore this advice, at least do three things to make early specialization as safe as possible. First of all, give your young athlete some time off his/her chosen sport each year. Second, make enough time to participate in other sports, recreation and physical activities - even if they are not done at a highly competitive level. And third, do some resistance training to help balance the body out and work the muscles that are not as involved in the sport (e.g. soccer players would benefit from extra hamstring work because the sport is heavily quad-focused).
Basic barbell weight training
As athletes get older and more advanced, they will benefit greatly from the power and strength that can be built through barbell & body weight training. However, they will only get these benefits if they have put in the time to learn to do these movements correctly. Many of the athletes I work with have never done real strength & power training with barbells. Also of those who have some background, many received poor coaching and have to re-learn key movements. Learning to do basic barbell exercises as a young athlete is a huge investment for future athletic performance. Once technique is mastered, gradually adding weight to the barbell will improve strength and this is important for injury prevention as well as performance. (Note: I will expand on more details on youth resistance training in a future post).

Real food
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Junk fuel for athletes |
A positive sport and exercise experience
In my experience with university students, I have found that those who had a positive experience with sports and exercise continue to be active as adults. I have also found the opposite to be true. First and foremost PE teachers, coaches and parents of young children need to create a positive physical activity experience. In doing so, you will help them reap the physical, mental and social benefits of sport and physical activity. In addition, you will do what you can to help set them up for a for a long, healthy life.
A chance to follow their dreams and passions
I am truly blessed to have fantastic parents. They let me play sports and do things that I enjoyed and let me stop doing sports and activities that I did not enjoy. Even as a young adult when I told them I wanted to go into the strength & conditioning field, they were supportive and encouraging despite the fact that neither of them really new anything about it. Now, as a parent, I am committed to helping my kids discover their dreams and passions. I do not want to live vicariously through my children, but rather support and encourage in what they want to do. If that is not sports or training, I am totally cool with that.
In conclusion, young athletes need to:
Move well
Learn proper technique and get stronger
Practice their sport, but not too much
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